I am leading a team "-20" which focuses on reflecting BMS and BGA in 2004, 20 years before this event is held.

Our main goal is of course to bring back the feeling of playing BMS in 2004.

Want to work with our team? Any roles is highly acceptable! However, we're currently prioritizing the following roles for recruitment.
A vocalist, specifically with soprano voice range.
An illustrator/artist.
3 or more BGA or BGI artists, and
If you're thinking about participating our team, feel free to contact me at my
twitter, DM @muyazz at discord, or
mail me (quite inactive).

-> Michael "Mike" Yasser, or 42SoL
-> Daniel Rotwind
-> dirty magiq
-> モノゴン(42SoL ft. ???)
Additional members:
- Telperion (DP obj.)
- dandeless (support)